Is this an investment?
Every donor receives a piece of a digital art collection in the form of a token. This token plays several roles
Proof of donation
Access control to the Donor's Portal
Representation of the right to certain donor-exclusive perks
As a carrier of an art piece
On a technical level, what you receive is a Non-Fungible Token (NFT) on the Cardano blockchain. We use this because it happens to enrich the donor experience and because it gives holders a lot of possibilities beyond the simple image. You can read more here.
However, NFTs are typically associated with art speculation meaning that some people treat them as "investments". We want to make our stance very clear.
Yes. An investment into the future of Africa
We are realising the potential of the next generation of technological leadership, problem solvers and changemakers by equipping them with the technical skills to address real-world problems. We are seeding the Google and Tesla of Africa.
No. Not an investment to make money
We are not an NFT project. We are a charity. We happen to believe that this underlying blockchain technology adds certain benefits to our is a charitable fundraiser where our bottom line is not to provide value to the buyers, in our case donors, but rather to make a positive difference on the ground.
Can I give away or sell these art pieces?
If we, as a charity, sent you a 'thank you' PDF, then you would be free to do what you please with it.
Similarly, we cannot stop you from doing what you want with a DirectEd Lion you receive through your donation.
One of the features of this underlying technology is the existence of what is loosely referred to as royalties. However, this does NOT constitute royalties in the legal sense and they cannot be enforced.
For this reason, if a person chooses to sell a DirectEd Lions digital art piece, then we have encoded our humble request wherein 7% of that secondary-market sale is to be donated to DirectEd.
Last updated